Putin, go away!

Putin, go away!
Vladimir Putin, will You move Your ass away!
Do You remember my advise from my last letter?
My future President, Navalny Alexey,
I'm sure he knows how to help You a lot better.

Your stupid steps are immoral, as is your soul
Your friends have been robbing us for so many years.
Billions of dollars were injected to the hole
My country covered by the such forgotten fears

We hardly work feeding your unscrupulous friends.
But the revolt is real quite. Why don't you feel it?
The flag of freedom rises in the suffering hands
Will remind them indomitable Russian spirit.
Добавлено: 17:03 01.05.2018
11:06 02.05.2018
Комментарий от автора: Николай Маковский
это мой первый стих на иностранном языке, так что не судите слишком строго, но хоть что-нибудь, пожалуйста, напишите! Заранее благодарен...